Parents » Attendance


In order to maintain a productive learning environment, classroom interruptions are discouraged. Parents, please make every effort to communicate with your child before school regarding after school arrangements. We also urge parents to limit taking students out of school early, and this is extremely disruptive to the class routine.


To report an absence, please contact the school via...

Phone: 951-769-1674 ext 112105

Email: [email protected]


School attendance is mandated by statute and by laws and regulations of the State of California and the Governing Board of the Beaumont Unified School District (BP 5113).  

Excused Absences – State Approved (EC 48205)

  1. Student illness or injury 
  2. Student medical/dental appointments 
  3. Death in the immediate family (1 day in state, 6 days out-of-state) 

Unexcused Absences – School Approved 

  1. Serious illness of a member of the family which necessitated the absence of the student. 
  2. Justifiable personal reasons including, but not limited to: appearance in court, observance of a holiday of his/her religion, employment conference, and such other absences as the principal may consider justifiable when requested in writing in advance.  

Unexcused absences are those which do not come under any of the definitions of excused absences. Students who have unexcused absences may be denied makeup privileges. Such absences may be reflected in the student’s final grade. 

Students with excused or school-approved unexcused absences shall be allowed to make up assignments and tests in a timely manner; full credit shall be given upon completion. It is the responsibility of the student/parent to ask the teacher for missed work upon returning from an absence. 


Pupils subject to compulsory full-time education or to compulsory continuing education shall be considered truant for the following reasons:

- absent/tardy from school without valid excuse more than 3 days 

- more than 5 excused absences 

- tardy to school in excess of 30 minutes on each of more than three days in one school year

Truancy shall be reported to the attendance supervisor or the principal and you will be required to go before the SARB committee after 15 unexcused absences.



A student is tardy if s/he arrives to school after the bell rings at 9:00am.  PROMPTNESS TO CLASS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. Tardies interrupt the classroom and interfere with learning. Continued tardiness on the part of any student will be viewed as a very serious matter and will be reported to the School Attendance Review Board. Students are expected to be in their seat and ready for work at the bell. A tardy, excused or unexcused, must be explained by a note from parent/guardian.

Early Outs

Parents must come into the office to sign their student out for medical, dental or other kinds of appointments that will require them to leave school early. Office personnel will verify that you are authorized to pick up the child and will call students up to the office for pick up.  If possible, medical and dental appointments should be scheduled after school. Please remember, taking your student out of school early is disruptive to his/her education, as well as the rest of the class, and should be avoided, except in an emergency.  

Excusing Absences

In order for an absence to be cleared, parents/guardians should call the school office on the day of the absence AND send a note within 3 days to inform the school of the student’s absence. Parent notes will only be accepted for the first 10 absences. After ten absences, a doctor’s note or school site verification may be required.  The school’s attendance phone system’s number is 951-769-1674, ext 112105.


Late Pick-Up

Students are dismissed promptly at 3:20pm, Mondays through Friday with the exception of Early Release on Wednesdays with a 2:15pm dismissal. Any student not picked up by 3:40 will be brought to the school office and will wait in the school office until parent/guardian arrives to sign them out.  The school office will begin to call parent/guardian to remind him/her that they need to come into the office and sign their child(ren) out. If parent/guardian cannot be reached, the office staff will begin to call designated individuals on the child’s emergency card.



Students may earn attendance incentives for:

Perfect Attendance: TROPHY - 100% Daily Attendance (NO TARDIES/EARLY OUTS)

Excellent  Attendance: MEDAL - 100% Daily Attendance (MAY HAVE TARDIES/EARLY OUTS)